1991 to present    

F231 HMS Argyll

UK Royal Navy

IMO: 8949599
MMSI: 232453000
Flight Deck: AY
Call Sign: GACG
Shipyard: Yarrow


History of UK HMS Argyll F231

1987-mar-20Laid downLaid down Yard No 1035
1993-marAircraftAircraft assigned 815 NAS Lynx HAS.3 ZD567 as /365-AY until 25 Mar 1994.
1994-mar-25AircraftAircraft BS 7nm E of Andros Is Accident Lynx HAS.3S ZD567 / 365-AY crashed and sank 7nm E of Andros Island.
1995-decAircraftAircraft assigned 815 NAS Lynx HMA.8 XZ230/365-AY until c Nov 1996.
1996-may-24DeploymentDeployment relieved HMS Brave on station in Caribbean as West Indies Guardship.
1998-apr-04Port VisitPort Visit NL Amsterdam Harbour Oostelijke Handelskade Apr98 STANAVFORMED embarked 815 NAS 208 Flt Lynx XZ722/365-AY
2000DeploymentDeployment South Atlantic Atlantic Patrol Task (South) Atlantic Patrol Task (South), deployed around Falkland Islands between Jul 2000 and Oct 2000, relieved by HMS Iron Duke.
2000-mayDeploymentDeployment SL Freetown Port Sierra Leone Operation Palliser ordered off Freetown, Sierra Leone to support Operation Palliser.
2002-junAircraftAircraft assigned 815 NAS Lynx HMA.8 XZ722/365-AY by 1 Jun 2002, until c Nov 2002
2005-febDeploymentDeployment Operation Telic departed UK for 6 month maritime security deployment to Persian Gulf. Relieved HMS Marlborough in Mar 2005 as Operation Telic guardship with Task Group 330.01. Returned Aug 2005.
2006-oct-11DeploymentDeployment SL Freetown Port Sierra Leone Operation Vela (Green Eagle) conduct of Exercise Green Eagle phase of Operation Vela, off Sierra Leone
2007-octDeploymentDeployment departed UK for 6 month deployment in Persian Gulf as part of CTF-150, returning Apr 2008
2007-oct-14AircraftAircraft assigned to 815 Squadron
embarked 815 NAS Lynx HMA.8 ZD259 from RAF Akrotiri, en route ships deployment, until c late Nov.
2007-dec-06Port VisitPort Visit short visit to Doha, while on patrol in the Northern Arabian Gulf.
2008-jul-19Port VisitPort Visit visited Liverpool for the 2008 Tall Ships event, with RFA Lyme Bay.
2008-jul-25Port VisitPort Visit HMNB Portsmouth Meet Your Navy 2008 At Portsmouth 25-27 Jul for Meet Your Navy 2008
2008-oct-04DeploymentDeployment North Western Approaches Exercise Joint Warrior 08-2 participated in bi-annual multi-national exercise off Scottish coast, until 17 Oct
2009-feb-16DeploymentDeployment departed HMNB Devonport for 2 month Mediterranean deployment as the Advanced Force Commander for Exercise Taurus 09, returning 17 Apr 2009.
2009-apr-04Port VisitPort Visit tied up in Palma de Mallorca for a 5 day visit, during deployment on Operation Taurus 09.
2009-oct-09RefitRefit Mk.8 Mod 1 4.5 inch to Babcock at Rosyth for an 11 month refit, including the Seawolf mid life upgrade returning to HMNB Devonport on 30 Sep 2010.
2010-novAircraftAircraft assigned 815 NAS Lynx HMA.8 XZ691/365-AY until at least Jul 2011.
2011-sep-28DeploymentDeployment departed HMNB Devonport for Arabian Gulf operations, to relieve HMS St Albans and returned to Devonport on 30 Mar 2012, after being relieved on station by HMS Daring.
2013-feb-18DeploymentDeployment departed HMNB Devonport for 7 month South Atlantic and Eastern Pacific deployment, included 815 NAS 211 Flight Lynx embarked. Relieved by HMS Richmond and returned to HMNB Devonport on 12 Sep 2013.
2013-may-16Port VisitPort Visit ZA Simon Town Naval Dockyard Simons Town arrived for two week mid-deployment maintenance, departed on 30 May.
2013-aug-30Port VisitPort Visit BM Hamilton Harbour visit to Hamilton, Bermuda
2013-oct-20RefitRefit surface and low level air search radar Type 997 in HMNB Devonport under maintenance, including installation of the Type 997 ARTISAN surveillance radar (second Type 23 to receive this new 3D radar).
2014-jan-14Port VisitPort Visit Tower Bridge Upper arrived in Pool of London 14 Jan alongside HMS Belfast, for 5 day port visit. Depart 19 Jan.
2014-mar-12 Accident accidentally released a Stingray torpedo while tied up alongside in HMNB Devonport.
2014-jun-20DeploymentDeployment departed HMNB Devonport for 6 month Atlantic Patrol Task (North) deployment. 815 NAS Lynx HMA.8 /365-AY embarked. Returned to Devonport 18 Dec.
2014-jul-04Port VisitPort Visit BM Hamilton Harbour short visit to Bermuda to update plans for disaster relief, with local authorities. Departed 7 Jul.
2014-oct-06Port VisitPort Visit KY George Town HSB Delayed 4 day visit to Cayman Islands during Hurricane season support.
2014-oct-11Port VisitPort Visit DO Santo Domingo Don Diego Port visit to Santo Domingo for Defence engagement weekend with the Ship Open for Visitors on 12 Oct. Departed 14 Oct.
2014-oct-18Port VisitPort Visit BM Heritage Wharf returned to Bermuda to assist in the clearance operations following Hurricane Gonzalo.
2014-nov-30Port VisitPort Visit CU Port of Havana Visited Havana until 4 Dec, in anticipation of further thawing of relations with the West.
2015-feb-17DeploymentDeployment Fleet Ready Escort Took over escort of Russian Neustrashimy class warship Yaroslav Mudryy and supporting tanker Kola through English Channel from Marine Nationale.
2015-mar-17DeploymentDeployment Exercise Browndown Battle II Staff College Sea Days 2015 participated in SC Sea Days 2015
2015-junRefitRefit CAMM (M) Sea Ceptor Type 23 Life Extension Programme: replacement of Seawolf missile system with Sea Ceptor over 20 months, by Babcock at Devonport. Completed Feb 2017.
2017TrialsTrials selected as Trials Vessel for Sea Ceptor missle system
2017-sep-09Port VisitPort Visit Royal Victoria Dock DSEI 2017 (pic2) at the Royal Docks for London International Shipping Week and the DSEI 2017 exhibition, joining HMS Mersey. Argyll had Wildcat HMA.2 ZZ375 embarked.
2017-sep-11NEWSUKRoyal Victoria Dock Leonardo at DSEI 2017
2018-jun-18DeploymentDeployment 815 NAS 208 Flt Departed HMNB Devonport for 9 month Far East and Pacific deployment, via the Gulf and Indian Ocean. 815 NAS 208 Flt Wildcat HMA.2 ZZ375 (c/s Highlander) embarked. Flight disembarked for Yeovilton 14 Mar 2019.
2018-oct-13DeploymentDeployment Bersama Lime 18 operating alongside RSS Intrepid
2019-jan-11DeploymentDeployment In company with USS McCampbell, undertook training exercise in South China Sea.
2019-sep-07Port VisitPort Visit BE Haven van Antwerpen To Antwerp for 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Scheldt.
2019-sep-08Port VisitPort Visit Royal Victoria Dock DSEI 2019 At RVD for DSEI 2019 exhibition, with Wildcat ZZ531 ranged on deck. Departed afternoon of 15 Sep.
2020-mar-10DeploymentDeployment Departed HMNB Devonport for 6.5 month deployment, with 815 NAS 214 Flt Wildcat HM.2 ZZ414. Disembarked 214 Flt Wildcat on 22 Sep 2020 in English Channel for Yeovilton, via a refuel stop at Culdrose.
2021-may Formidable Shield 2021
2021-sep-11Port VisitPort Visit Royal Victoria Dock DSEI 2021 visiting the London Excel Centre for the biennial Defence and Security Exhibition

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Type 23 Duke class
3600light (tn)
4200full load (tn)
133length (m)
16.10beam (m)
5.50draught (m)
7800range (nm)
28max speed (knots)

4Naval Engine diesel - Paxman Valenta 12CM
2Naval Engine electric motors
2Naval Engine gas turbine - Rolls Royce Spey
2Naval Engine propulsion system: CODLAG

2Missile Launcher Mk 141 quad Harpoon
1Missile Launcher Sea Wolf

2Naval Gun single 30 mm
1Naval Gun Mk.8 Mod 1 4.5 inch
4Chaff and decoys Seagnat
1Chaff and decoys towed decoy Type 182
1Chaff and decoys towed decoy Type 2070 Talisman

2Naval Radar fire direction radar Type 911
1Naval Radar navigation radar Type 1007
1Naval Radar surface and low level air search radar Type 996
1Sonar towed array sonar Type 2031
1Sonar hull mounted sonar Type 2050

helicopter   Aircraft

Typical Max
UK Royal Navy AW EH101 11
UK Royal Navy Westland Lynx 11
UK Royal Navy AW AW159 Wildcat HMA2 10


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