
Helicopter spare parts, suppliers and quotes. Contact us

List of Organisations

AEM Corp
Becker Avionics
CMC Electronics
Collins Aerospace
DAC International
Flight Data Systems
Genesys Aerosystems
Maxcraft Avionics
Rockwell Collins
Thommen Aircraft Equipment
Alpine Helicopters Alpine Aerotech
State of Arizona Universal Avionics
State of California CNC Technologies
State of California Skyryse
State of Florida Avalex
State of Florida L3Harris Technologies
State of Florida Vislink
State of Massachusetts Outerlink Global Solutions
State of New Mexico Aspen Avionics
State of New York Astronics
State of Texas FreeFlight Systems
State of Vermont GPMS
State of Washington Esterline Avionics
State of Washington Luma Technologies
State of Wisconsin Astronautics Corp


Installation of Radar Altimeter in Robinson R44

Installation of Radar Altimeter in Robinson R44

27-Nov-24 - German company SPAES GmbH & Co KG, an EASA Part 21J Design Organisation, completed the installation of a radar altimeter in a R44 Raven II helicopter #Altimeter
ACE Black Hawks Now Equipped with Skyryse SkyOS Operating System

ACE Black Hawks Now Equipped with Skyryse SkyOS Operating System

21-Nov-24 - Skyryse, the creator of the SkyOS operating system for flight, has entered a new partnership with Ace Aeronautics, LLC, a major reseller of Black Hawk helicopters worldwide #BlackHawk
Full Glass Cockpit Upgrade for Bell 412 Helicopter

Full Glass Cockpit Upgrade for Bell 412 Helicopter

25-Mar-24 - Bell has been granted U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification for its Basix-Pro Glass Retrofit Kit for Bell 412EP analog models. This full glass cockpit equips the Subaru Bell 412EPX and Bell 429 models. The work is completed at Bell’s global centers of excellence, including Piney Flats, TN; Miami, FL; Singapore; Bell Australia; and Prague #GlassCockpit
Astronautics Glass Cockpit for Erickson S-64 Fleet

Astronautics Glass Cockpit for Erickson S-64 Fleet

26-Feb-24 - Twelve Erickson S-64 Air Crane helicopters will be upgrade with a glass cockpit solution that includes Astronautics’ Badger Pro+ Gen 2.0 integrated flight display system, engine data concentrator unit (EDCU), and AeroSync Mission connectivity system #GlassCockpit
Garmin Adds IFR and 4-Axis Capability to GFC600H

Garmin Adds IFR and 4-Axis Capability to GFC600H

21-Feb-24 - Garmin has added IFR and 4-axis capability to the GFC 600H helicopter flight control system, supporting stability augmentation. The Leonardo AW109 Trekker is the first model to incorporate this upgrade. #GFC600H
17-Feb-24 New Ultra-Compact Air Data Computer #ADC
05-Dec-23 Interactive Flight Management System on Bell 212 #FlightManagement
11-Nov-23 New MTP136D Radios for Yellowhead Helicopters #radios
06-Aug-23 Installation of MD302 Standby Attitude Module in EC120 #avionics
17-Jul-23 Becker AMU 6500 Audio Panel Update #AudioPanel
07-Jun-23 Garmin GI 275 for Bell 407 and Robinson R66 #GI275
13-May-23 Honeywell Versawave 5G for Advanced Air Mobility #5G
12-Apr-23 New Weather Radar for USCG MH-60 and MH-65 Helicopters #Weather
04-Apr-23 Cobham Audio/Radio Systems for Airbus H160M #H160M
22-Mar-23 Radar Altimeter Indicator Installation in MD902 #MD902
07-Mar-23 Outerlink High-Capacity Wi-Fi for AW139 Helicopter Heli-Expo 2023
07-Mar-23 GPMS Foresight MX HUMS for Airbus Models Heli-Expo 2023
07-Mar-23 Sentry Cockpit Recorder for Black Hawk Heli-Expo 2023
05-Mar-23 TSO Certification for Aperture Visual Data Management Heli-Expo 2023
04-Mar-23 Avidyne Helix Flight Deck for Legacy Helicopters Heli-Expo 2023
03-Mar-23 Astronautics AeroSync Max for AW139 Helicopter Heli-Expo 2023
01-Mar-23 AeroBrigham Acquires MyGoFlight SkyDisplay HUDs #HUD
21-Feb-23 Nova Systems Selected Smith Myers for UKSAR2G #UKSAR2G
07-Feb-23 Foresight MX HUMS for UH-60A Black Hawk #BlackHawk
06-Jan-23 Garmin GI 275 for Airbus A350 Helicopters #GI275
22-Nov-22 Artemis Mobile Phone Detection System for UAE SAR Fleet #SmithMyers
16-Jul-22 MD500E Slimline Glass Cockpit
10-Jul-22 Garmin GI 275 for R22 and R44 #GI275
17-Jun-22 EASA Approval for Garmin GFC 600H on AS350 #Garmin
14-Jun-22 Safran SkyNaute Navigation System for H160M #H160M
04-Apr-22 Perigon Computer for Defiant X #Perigon
29-Mar-22 AS9100 certification for Aspen Avionics #AS9100
27-Mar-22 Installation of Direct Call Unit in Airbus H125 #PCB
18-Mar-22 Guatemala Air Force Upgrades Bell 212 #ADAHRS
14-Mar-22 Genesys Aerosystems at Heli-Expo 2022 Heli-Expo 2022
07-Mar-22 EASA STCs for Night Vision in Bell 212/412 #NightVision
03-Mar-22 StableLight is First 4-Axis Autopilot for AS350 #autopilot
03-Mar-22 Night Vision Compatible Lighting System for S-92 #NVIS
01-Mar-22 Canada Certification for GPMS HUMS in Airbus H125 #Canada
16-Feb-22 Badger Pro+ Glass Cockpit Upgrade for Huey II #SingaporeAirshow
15-Dec-21 Health Monitoring System for Mi-8/17/171 #HUMS
13-Dec-21 New Cockpit for the Airbus H130
06-Dec-21 BAE FireNet Transceiver Tested in Helicopter #FireNet
21-Nov-21 Bell 505 with Garmin G1000 NXi Avionics #G1000NXi
01-Nov-21 STARS Ambulance H145D3 New Connectivity #connectivity
05-Oct-21 Geisinger Life Flight EC145 with GTN 650/750 Xi #Garmin
16-Sep-21 Health Monitoring System Installer in Tennessee #HealthMonitoring
11-Sep-21 Thales FlytX Cockpit for Guimbal Cabri #FlytX
02-Sep-21 AEM Acquires Eagle Audio #Audio
21-Aug-21 Day/Night Visual Flight Rules for UH-1H Huey #Huey
14-Aug-21 UH-60V Northrop Grumman Glass Cockpit #NorthropGrumman
28-Jul-21 J301A-001 Audio Controller for Bell Helicopters #AudioController
23-Jul-21 Russia Developing Safe Landing Approach System #MAKS2021
05-Jul-21 Jupiter Avionics 10 Year Anniversary #AEADallas
05-Jul-21 Helionix Avionics Logs 500,000 Flight Hours #Helionix
29-Jun-21 FACE Group Certificates for Collins Avionics #FACE
24-Jun-21 Voice and Flight Data Recorder for H145 #H145
17-Jun-21 SkyTrac Avionics Optional for Airbus Helicopters #Avionics
13-Jun-21 Improved Control System for Ka-62 #Ka62
19-May-21 IRIS Data Monitoring for Ecocopter #DataMonitoring
12-May-21 Glass Cockpit Upgrade for Guatemalan Bell 212 #Bell212
03-May-21 Garmin Transponders for Bell Helicopters #ADSB
27-Apr-21 GPMS Foresight HUMS for Bell 429 #Bell429
10-Apr-21 Glass Cockpit for Bell 212 by Alpine Aerotech #Bell212
26-Mar-21 GPMS Foresight HUMS for Bell 212/412 #HUMS
19-Mar-21 Night Vision for Commercial Black Hawk #NightVision
15-Feb-21 GPMS Foresight MX Health Monitor for TVA #HealthMonitor
13-Feb-21 Master Caution Panel for Enstrom 480B #Enstrom480B
04-Feb-21 First Bell 505 NXi to Europe #Bell505NXI
29-Jan-21 Altimeter to Mitigate 5G Interference #interference
28-Jan-21 Phone Location for H145 SAR Helicopter #PhoneLocation
18-Jan-21 Bo105 Helicopter Cockpit Upgrade #Bo105
14-Jan-21 Truth Data QuantiFLY for Bell 407GXi and 429 #monitoring
26-Dec-20 Self-Protection Suite for Spanish NH90 #Indra
18-Dec-20 Wireless Intercom System for AW139 #Polycon
01-Dec-20 4-Axis Autopilot for AS350/H125 #autopilot
27-Nov-20 Texas DPS New H125 Helicopter #Texas
03-Nov-20 Spidertracks Insights for Maverick Helicopters #insights
27-Oct-20 PAC45A Audio System for Black Hawk Upgrade #AudioSystem
23-Oct-20 Avionics Upgrade for UH-60A Black Hawk #Genesys
15-Sep-20 Ultra Small Embedded Computer for eVTOL Taxi #SmallComputer
14-Sep-20 Canadian Avionics for New Border Protection H125s #AudioSystem
11-Sep-20 Radar Altimeter for AS350 #altimeter
10-Sep-20 GPMS Foresight HUMS for AS350B3 #HUMS
05-Sep-20 Kapture Cockpit and Flight Data Recorder #Kapture
03-Sep-20 Garmin Glass Cockpit for the MD520N #garmin
27-Jul-20 Part 25 and Part 29 ADS-B in Brazil #ADSB
23-Jul-20 Internet, Video, and Voice for Helicopters #VSAT
23-Jul-20 RoadRunner EFI Upgrade for Bell 212 and 412 #roadrunner
17-Jul-20 EASA Certification for Honeywell EGPWS in AW139 #oilandgas
14-Jul-20 Flight Deck VL-60 for Commercial Black Hawk #BlackHawk
08-Jul-20 Ground Helipad Assisted Takeoff #autopilot
06-Jul-20 Leonardo Osprey AESA Radar #Osprey
06-Jul-20 Garmin Multi-function Display for Helicopters #GI275
01-Jul-20 500th AN/APG-78 Fire Control Radar #Longbow
18-Jun-20 Data Recorder with Altimeter Interface for R44 #R44
02-Jun-20 Garmin OnePak for New Bell Helicopters #Garmin
01-Jun-20 Garmin GFC 600H for Airbus H125 #Garmin
30-May-20 Flight Testing for Genesys Cockpit on Black Hawk #GlassCockpit
21-May-20 Helmet-Mounted Display for Safe Landings #SafeLanding
16-May-20 NVG Upgrade for the Helicopter Institute
03-May-20 7-inch Portable Aviation GPS aera 760 #Aera760
01-May-20 Crash-Hardened Recoverable Data Module RDM-300 #FlightRecorder
26-Mar-20 FAA Part 27 Approval for Appareo transponders #ADSB
13-Mar-20 Garmin G5000H Glass Cockpit for KAI Surion #GlassCockpit
06-Mar-20 Lido Surface Data NEXTView EASA Certification #terrain
29-Feb-20 Relocation of ADF and RAD ALT Antennas on Bk117 #antenna
29-Feb-20 Blue Hawaiian Launch Customer for Spider X Heli-Expo 2020
20-Feb-20 Garmin GTN 650Xi / 750Xi for Helicopters #GarminXI
18-Feb-20 Cobham Titan Digital Audio #Titan
13-Feb-20 Garmin GFC 600H for AS350 #GFC600H
12-Feb-20 Badger Pro Flight System for Bell 412EPX #Bell412EPX
05-Feb-20 HeliSAS Autopilot Option for Bell 505 #autopilot
04-Feb-20 Thales FlytX Avionics Suite for Russian VRT500 #FlytX
03-Feb-20 UA SkyVis Selected for BPol H215 Heli-Expo 2020
01-Feb-20 Fly by Sight Flight Deck Heli-Expo 2020
31-Jan-20 AW189 Completed GBAS Approaches #GBAS
31-Jan-20 SkyTrac HUMS for Brazilian OMNI AW139 Heli-Expo 2020
30-Jan-20 Gass Cockpit for MD500E and MD520N Heli-Expo 2020
30-Jan-20 Garmin GTN750H Navigator for AS365 Heli-Expo 2020
29-Jan-20 UA Glass Cockpit Upgrade for MD900/902 Heli-Expo 2020
29-Jan-20 Digital Heading Indicator for AS350/H125 Heli-Expo 2020
29-Jan-20 UA SkyVis Selected for AW169 Ambulance Heli-Expo 2020
29-Jan-20 Canadian S-61 and Bell 212 Avionics Upgrades Heli-Expo 2020
28-Jan-20 Leon County’ New Bell 505 with Becker Radios Heli-Expo 2020
27-Jan-20 Cockpit LED Panel for Commercial Black Hawk Heli-Expo 2020
27-Jan-20 Astronautics at Heli-Expo 2020 Heli-Expo 2020
26-Jan-20 New Line of Digital Radios by Genesys Aerosystems Heli-Expo 2020
24-Jan-20 Travis AW169 with PNG Wireless Intercom Heli-Expo 2020
23-Jan-20 Dual Control Head for PAC45 Radio Heli-Expo 2020
18-Jan-20 EFIS IDU-680 Display with Audio Management #AudioManagment
15-Jan-20 Genesys Aerosystems Equipped TH-73A #Cockpit
20-Dec-19 Bell 412 Digital Cockpit Upgrade with IDU-680
20-Dec-19 Thommen Multi Function Displays for AW129 #Displays
10-Dec-19 AS350 Autopilot by StandardAero and Thales #autopilot
08-Dec-19 MD530G Block II Adding Elbit Weapons System #Block2
27-Nov-19 FAA Approval for FDS ED-112A Flight Data Recorder #Certificate
18-Nov-19 AH-64E Fire Control Radar Testing Successful #C4ISR
04-Nov-19 ADS-B for LA County Firefighting Helicopters #ADSB
02-Nov-19 Bell 212 Day/Night VFR Kit Upgrade Kit #Bell212
01-Nov-19 Night Vision Upgrade for Bell 505 #NightVistion
25-Sep-19 Sikorsky Tactical Mission Kit Tested on the HH-60W #MissionKit
15-Sep-19 Becker ADS-B for Bundespolizei Super Pumas #sCloaking
06-Sep-19 Brazilian Certification for A109/A119 EFI Upgrade #certification
05-Sep-19 Garmin G1000H NXi IFR Certification for Bell 407GXi #Certification
22-Aug-19 Airbus Network for the Sky
21-Aug-19 Garmin to Certify GFC 600H on the Bell 505 #Garmin
12-Aug-19 German Sea Lion Radio Equipment #SeaLion
07-Aug-19 Genesys Aerosystems Equipped TH-119 IFR Certification #IFR
31-Jul-19 Genesys Aerosystems EFIS Military Certification #MilStd
24-Jul-19 Honeywell Acquired TruTrak Flight Systems #TruTrak
22-Jul-19 EASA Certification for Roadrunner EFI in AW109/119 #certification
18-Jul-19 BendixKing and Airwork to Certify Cockpit Upgrades #GeneralAviation
15-Jul-19 New Generation Digital Intercom System AMU6500 APSCON 2019
12-Jul-19 Arista Now Approved Distributor of Astronautics #avionics
03-Jul-19 Mission Computers for UH-1Y, AH-1Z and UH-60V #computers
18-Jun-19 Ansat Concept at Paris Air Show Paris Air Show 2019
15-Jun-19 FAA Certification for Roadrunner EFI in AW109/119 #certification
14-Jun-19 Thales’ FlytX Cockpit for H160M Guépard Paris Air Show 2019
06-Jun-19 Night Vision Lighting for Philippines’ Bell 412 #NightVision
04-Jun-19 Compact Fly-By-Wire System For Urban Air Vehicles #UrbanAirMobilty
31-May-19 Austrian Air Force Upgrades AB212 Helicopter #AB212
28-May-19 Garmin Radar Altimeter for AS350 #RadarAltimeter
28-May-19 Elbit Systems’ BrightNite Operational in Puma #BrightNite
09-May-19 Universal Avionics at EBACE 2019 #EBACE19
17-Apr-19 PDAS 360-Degree Pilot Visual System on V-280 #PDAS
16-Apr-19 Collins Aerospace in Development of Future Vertical Lift #JointMultiRole
11-Apr-19 UA InSight Touchscreen Control with FAA STC #touchscreen
29-Mar-19 TETRA Radio System with NVIS for EC135
28-Mar-19 Alidaunia Pioneers Medical AW169 Real-Time Monitoring #HUMS
27-Mar-19 IRIS Flight Data Monitoring for Phoenix Heli-Flight #IRIS
23-Mar-19 HeliSAS Stability Augmentation System on Bell 505 #autopilot
17-Mar-19 Astronautics wACS Ground Tests on H145 Heli-Expo 2019
17-Mar-19 AFI 4700 RoadRunner for Ventura County Firehawk Heli-Expo 2019
17-Mar-19 RoadRunner Avionics on AW109 Heli-Expo 2019
08-Mar-19 Safran Health Monitoring Service for DRF’ H145 Heli-Expo 2019
06-Mar-19 Osprey Mission Management System Heli-Expo 2019
06-Mar-19 InSight Display System with Heli ClearVision Heli-Expo 2019
05-Mar-19 Safety-Driven Light Helicopter Autopilot System Heli-Expo 2019
05-Mar-19 Swiss Cougar Modernization Heli-Expo 2019
05-Mar-19 Autopilot for Commercial UH-60 Black Hawk Heli-Expo 2019
04-Mar-19 Bell 212 Glass Cockpit Upgrade Certification Heli-Expo 2019
04-Mar-19 Garmin G500H TXi on EC130 at Heli-Expo 2019 Heli-Expo 2019
02-Mar-19 Real-Time Connectivity for Gulf Helicopters AW139/189 #DataMonitoring
01-Mar-19 Night Vision Compatible Lighting System for Bell 505 #NightVision
01-Mar-19 Health Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) for Bell 407 #HUMS
21-Feb-19 Astronics Max-Viz 2300 Enhanced Vision System #EnhancedVistion
21-Feb-19 IDU-450 Avionics Suite for EC145e #Customization
20-Feb-19 Real-Time Data Transfer for STARS Ambulance H145 #DataTransfer
17-Feb-19 HeliSure Cockpit Display System #HeliSure
14-Feb-19 Smart Mission Display for Helicopters #avionics
06-Feb-19 Installation of Spidertracks in helicopter Bk117 #spidertracks
04-Feb-19 Electro-Optical System Safran EuroFlir 410 #EuroFlir
29-Jan-19 Part 29 ADS-B AML-STC Solution #Part29
25-Jan-19 ADS-B Out Mandate for Aerial Firefighting #firefighting
21-Jan-19 Flight Crew HTAWS Alerts Strategy by CAA #safety
15-Jan-19 Night Vision Provider Aero Dynamix 25th Anniversary #Anniversary
20-Dec-18 Avidyne Touchscreen GPS for Robinsons #touchscreen
18-Dec-18 Thales Autopilot for Austrian ÖAMTC EC135 #OAMTC
05-Dec-18 Redstreak Mobile Phone Rescue System #Redstreak
04-Dec-18 Universal Avionics InSight Touchscreen Control #TouchScreen
12-Nov-18 First UK NPAS EC135 Upgraded with Night Vision #NightVision
03-Nov-18 Airborne Mission Suite for Broward County H125 #avionics
23-Oct-18 Max-Viz Enhanced Vision System for S-76D #EnhancedVision
16-Oct-18 Heli-One Completes Flight Deck Upgrade for S-76 Helitech 2018
16-Oct-18 Universal Avionics Flight Deck Upgrade for AS365 Helitech 2018
07-Oct-18 Installation of SLANT Console in EC135 #EC135
02-Oct-18 Real-Time HUMS for CHC AW139 Helicopters #HUMS
02-Oct-18 Bell and Garmin Teaming for On-Demand Mobility #OnDemandMobility
10-Sep-18 Trakka Systems for Washoe County Sheriff #WashoeCounty
30-Aug-18 US Navy Upgrades Aircraft for RNP-RNAV #navigation
29-Aug-18 Aids In UK Power Grid Inspections #energy
22-Aug-18 Appareo Vision 1000 for Enstrom 480B #FlightData
20-Aug-18 Saab Self-protection Systems for India’ Dhruv #protection
30-Jul-18 New ADS-B Sensor For USAF Pave Hawk Fleet #avionics
30-Jul-18 High Resolution Camera for Dare MedFlight H145 #accessories
19-Jul-18 Rockwell Collins Recognized by Airbus FIA 2018
18-Jul-18 Honeywell Support for Weststar AW139 Fleet #maintenance
18-Jul-18 AH-64E Fire Control Radar Systems FIA 2018
17-Jul-18 Airgreen AB139/AW139 with Night Vision Lighting #NightVision
12-Jul-18 New Type Certificate for MD530F Glass Cockpit APSCON 2018
09-Jul-18 Upgraded Marion County Bell 407 at APSCON APSCON 2018
05-Jul-18 Emergency Locator Transmitter for AS350/355 #ELT
25-Jun-18 Costa do Sol S-76 Selects SkyTrac Monitoring #monitoring
14-Jun-18 Honeywell HSD-400 Transceiver #avionics
11-Jun-18 Australian Army CH-47F Support Contract #avionics
29-May-18 Honeywell and IAI Partners in Navigation Systems #avionics
24-May-18 Garmin G3000H Flight Deck #cockpit
25-Apr-18 Rohde & Schwarz Radios for H-47 Chinook
09-Apr-18 Satcom System Aspire 400
04-Apr-18 New Avionics for Brazilian Army Fennec and Panther FIDAE 2018
04-Apr-18 Universal Avionics GPS/RNAV for Black Hawk FIDAE 2018
28-Mar-18 Safran Equipment for the New 51 Lakotas
27-Mar-18 FreeFlight Systems Partners Avidyne for ADS-B Solution
23-Mar-18 Thommen Air Data Computer Enhancements
21-Mar-18 Genesys Aerosystems Delivers 1,000 HeliSAS
20-Mar-18 RUAG Gets EASA Approval for Night Vision Systems
14-Mar-18 Heliconia AW139 Service Centre for Honeywell
02-Mar-18 Helionix Fleet Surpass 100,000 Flight Hours Heli-Expo 2018
01-Mar-18 US Coast Guard MH-65E Avionics Upgrade Heli-Expo 2018
01-Mar-18 Ontario Police Department Airborne Mission Suite
28-Feb-18 Hughes Aerospace and AMGH Partners for IFR Heli-Expo 2018
28-Feb-18 UH-60 Avionics Modernization Heli-Expo 2018
27-Feb-18 Fifth Upgraded AB212 Delivered to Spanish Navy Heli-Expo 2018
26-Feb-18 Heliwise HUMS for AW139 Heli-Expo 2018
26-Feb-18 S-76B Universal Avionics Upgrade Heli-Expo 2018
26-Feb-18 German Federal Police New Mission Equipment
22-Feb-18 ESG Upgrades Rheinland-Pfalz Polizei EC135
22-Feb-18 Honeywell Aspire and SkyConnect From PAG Heli-Expo 2018
22-Feb-18 Honeywell HAPP Protection for Bristow AW139
22-Feb-18 Garmin Unveils G1000H NXi Flight Deck Heli-Expo 2018
21-Feb-18 Garmin G500H TXi Displays for R44 and R66 Heli-Expo 2018
19-Feb-18 RDDS Display SENSE at Heli Expo 2018 Heli-Expo 2018
13-Feb-18 PAG Named BendixKing Repair Partner
06-Feb-18 “Best On-Target Quality Performance” for Safran
26-Jan-18 Eagle Australasia Upgrade Installation of Bell 212
11-Dec-17 HeliOffshore and Honeywell Demonstrate HTAWS
20-Nov-17 Leonardo AESA Osprey Radar for Norway #Osprey
14-Nov-17 ASU Delivered NVG Capable AS350 to HNZ Topflight
02-Nov-17 New Mission Computer Fielded with UH-1Y and AH-1Z
01-Nov-17 Eagle Copters Upgrades 5 Bell 212 for NVG
30-Oct-17 L3 Awarded Contract for US Army AH-64E MUMT-X
25-Oct-17 Honeywell’s High-Bandwidth Wi-Fi for Helicopters
04-Oct-17 AMRG Received H130 with NVG Upgrade
03-Oct-17 Heli-One Doppler Replacement for AS332L/L1 Helitech 2017
27-Sep-17 CHC Tested New HUMS and EFB for AW139
11-Sep-17 Realtime Monitoring for TAS S-76D and S-92 Fleet
06-Sep-17 Bristow S-92 NVG Operations in Gulf of Mexico
24-Aug-17 EASA Approves Heli-Union Super Puma LPV
24-Aug-17 HUMS IRIS Certified for S-92 in Europe
14-Aug-17 Israel’ Orbit to Provide Satcom Terminals
02-Aug-17 CAL FIRE Chooses Tracplus and Flightcell
19-Jul-17 Electro Optical and Infrared System for H225M
12-Jul-17 Bell 206L Garmin Avionics Installation
28-Jun-17 Glass Cockpit Upgrade for MD600N
21-Jun-17 Safran to Supply Strix Sights for Tiger HAD Paris Air Show 2017
20-Jun-17 Gabbiano TS Ultra Light Multi Mode Radar Paris Air Show 2017
20-Jun-17 ACSS T3CAS Surveillance System for H160 Paris Air Show 2017
19-Jun-17 Esterline Avionics for Luftwaffe CH-53GS/GE Paris Air Show 2017
15-Jun-17 Truth Data Insights Monitoring System for Toll AW139s
09-Jun-17 Austria S-70A Avionics Upgrade
08-May-17 DAC International Renews with Esterline Avionics
03-May-17 UTair’s Mi-8 Automated Flight Tracking Upgrades
27-Apr-17 New Cockpit Data Recorder System for CH-146
26-Apr-17 Garmin G5000H Upgrade for UH-60A Black Hawk
26-Apr-17 Elbit Combined Vision System
12-Mar-17 Weather Radar Integration Solution for AS350
08-Mar-17 Helikorea AW169 with Automated Flight Following Heli-Expo 2017
08-Mar-17 Genesys EFIS for Metro Aviation EC145e Heli-Expo 2017
08-Mar-17 Able 100th Upgrade for Air Evac Lifeteam Heli-Expo 2017
07-Mar-17 Heli-One Becomes Universal Avionics Top Dealer Heli-Expo 2017
07-Mar-17 Upgraded AS332L Completes Hands-Free Hover Heli-Expo 2017
07-Mar-17 Russian Certification for Genesys Autopilots Heli-Expo 2017
07-Mar-17 Garmin G500H for R44 with New Enhancements Heli-Expo 2017
07-Mar-17 Curtiss-Wright DuraCOR 8043 Mission Computer Heli-Expo 2017
07-Mar-17 High Density Solid State Drive Module XMC-554 Heli-Expo 2017
07-Mar-17 STAT Medevac H135 and H145 Real Time Monitoring Heli-Expo 2017
06-Mar-17 MD902 Explorer with Standard Glass Cockpit Heli-Expo 2017
03-Mar-17 SkyTrac New Cockpit Camera Options Heli-Expo 2017
02-Mar-17 EuroTec Canada Upgrades York Police H120
01-Mar-17 iPad Mounts For Helicopter Pilots Heli-Expo 2017
01-Mar-17 Leonardo AESA Radar for Schiebel Camcopter S-100
22-Feb-17 Columbia Helicopters Chinooks Real Time Awareness
21-Feb-17 Lockheed Martin Awarded AH-1Z Target Sight System
09-Feb-17 Canada Approves S-76D Night Vision Lighting
08-Feb-17 Robinson R66 Fuel Flow Management
24-Jan-17 St Lucie County Sheriff’s OH-58 Upgrade
18-Jan-17 FAA approved Vector ADS-B Upgrade to Light Helicopters
03-Jan-17 CMA-6800 Display STC for the S-76B/C
03-Jan-17 Aero Dynamix Night Vision Lighting System for R44
31-Dec-16 UH-60A Black Hawk Digital Cockpit Modernization
28-Dec-16 National Flight Services with FreeFlight Systems
14-Dec-16 Vector with EASA STC Approval for ADS-B Upgrade
13-Dec-16 Sky Connect Tracker for Air Methods AMTC 2016
17-Nov-16 Garmin Pilot Adds New Tools to Apple Devices
16-Nov-16 EASA Certification for Helionix in the H135
16-Nov-16 FAA Approves All-In-One Garmin ADS-B Transponders
09-Nov-16 FAA STC for Genesys HeliSAS on EC120
07-Nov-16 Airwork NZ Gains STC for BK117 Glass Cockpit
03-Nov-16 Croatian Police EC135 New Electro Optical Systems
24-Oct-16 Rockwell Collins Receives First FACE Certificate
18-Oct-16 MQ-8C Fire Scout with Leonardo AESA Radar
14-Oct-16 AEM Celebrates Seven Years
11-Oct-16 S-61A-4 Nuri to Receive Flight Deck Upgrade
11-Oct-16 STC Approval for AS332L/L1 Upgrade Helitech 2016
16-Sep-16 AMRG NVG Upgrade from Aero Dynamix
13-Sep-16 Patria to Upgrade 2 Border Guard AB412
05-Sep-16 French Army New SIT-ALAT System
27-Jul-16 McDermott Installs AKV ETM1000 on Bell 214 Fleet
12-Jul-16 Garmin G500H for R44 Raven II and Cadet FIA 2016
12-Jul-16 Sensor Infirno First Flight on Black Hawk
07-Jul-16 Ukrainian Helicopters Mi-8MTV-1 at FIA 2016 FIA 2016
05-Jul-16 AW189 DAQMAG2A Rugged Display Computer
29-Jun-16 Sky Connect Tracker III Certified for AW109/119
21-Jun-16 Alpine Aerotech Now Authorized Garmin Dealer
20-Jun-16 Universal Avionics Upgrade for Sultan of Johor S-76B
13-Jun-16 Modular Mission Computer Parvus DuraCOR 80-42
27-May-16 Honeywell Signs with Australia and Thailand Operators
24-May-16 AS332L1 Displays Installations Expected Mid-2016
23-May-16 Radar Altimeter in MD 369/500N/600N
17-May-16 Heli-One to Upgrade Malaysia Sultan of Johor S-76B
16-May-16 EASA STC for VIH Master Caution Panel in Bell 212/412
03-May-16 Flat-Panel Surveillance Radar for Norway AW101
26-Apr-16 RA-4500 Radar Altimeter for the AW119
25-Apr-16 Sultan of Johor S-76B to be Refurbished in Canada
21-Apr-16 New Thermal Imaging Solutions for Firefighters
20-Apr-16 Glass Cockpit Upgrade for Malaysia S-61A-4 Nuri
13-Apr-16 Sazma Aviation S-76 With SkyTrac Monitoring
11-Apr-16 Garmin GTN 650/750 Touchscreen for Helicopter
30-Mar-16 Brazilian FT Sistemas FT-200FH Umanned Helicopter FIDAE 2016
29-Mar-16 Second Upgraded AB212 Delivered to Spanish Navy FIDAE 2016
28-Mar-16 Rockwell Collins CAAS for India CH-47F Chinook
03-Mar-16 Aircraft Tracking Spidertracks Selected by 3 Companies
03-Mar-16 First Flight of MD902 with InSight Integrated Flight Deck Heli-Expo 2016
02-Mar-16 Phoenix Heli Flight with JA94-001 Dual Audio Controller Heli-Expo 2016
02-Mar-16 AW109 Trekker Flies with Genesys Glass Cockpit Heli-Expo 2016
02-Mar-16 JAX Sheriff Helicopters New Radios
01-Mar-16 Super Puma with New Universal Avionics Solution Heli-Expo 2016
01-Mar-16 MD902 Explorer with InSight Integrated Flight Deck Heli-Expo 2016
01-Mar-16 PAC Updates Avionics Equipment on Bell 429 Heli-Expo 2016
01-Mar-16 Multi-Function Displays for German CH-53GS/GE
29-Feb-16 Tampa Police Picks Becker Digital Audio System Heli-Expo 2016
27-Feb-16 Becker Avionics Celebrating Sixty Years Heli-Expo 2016
25-Feb-16 Garmin Avionics Suite Selected by Air Evac Lifeteam Heli-Expo 2016
25-Feb-16 Safety-Enhanced Autopilot for the Robinson R22 Heli-Expo 2016
01-Dec-15 Video System for the Rio de Janeiro Police EC145
30-Nov-15 Garmin Navigator for the S-76 by Maxcraft Avionics
19-Nov-15 Rockwell Collins expands India operations
16-Nov-15 UK CAA Approval for White Phosphor Goggles on MD902
13-Nov-15 Rockwell Collins at NBAA 2015 NBAA 2015
12-Nov-15 Honeywell High-Speed Broadband System for AW139
27-Oct-15 Garmin Obstacle Database Adds Canada
15-Oct-15 AMRG Equips Fleet with Jupiter Audio Controllers AMTC 2015
12-Oct-15 Rockwell Collins Real Time Video for US Army
06-Oct-15 EASA Certifies AgustaWestland Navigation Database Helitech 2015
05-Oct-15 Heli-One Offers Super Puma New Avionics Helitech 2015
05-Oct-15 Rockwell Collins at Helitech 2015 Helitech 2015
14-Sep-15 Rockwell Collins Avionics for USAF HH-60W
08-Sep-15 Rockwell Collins Selected for Avicopter AC312E/C China Helicopter Exposition 2015
01-Sep-15 Curtiss-Wright Air Data Computer for USCG MH-65
28-Aug-15 R44 and R66 Autopilot and Aspen Flight Display
18-Aug-15 EASA Certification for EC130T2 HeliSAS Autopilot
06-Aug-15 New Rockwell Collins DF-500 Direction Finder
03-Aug-15 Erickson Enhanced S-64 Aircrane Modifications
29-Jul-15 UK RAF Puma Electronic Warfare to be Updated
22-Jul-15 Rockwell Collins with NAVAIR PMA 209
20-Jul-15 Hughes HD Video from an Helicopter
15-Jul-15 Nassau County Police Selects Helinet Technologies ALEA 2015
07-Jul-15 McMurdo Group ELT for the AVIC AC312
02-Jul-15 Genesys Flight Instrument System for AW109 Trekker
24-Jun-15 Garmin GTX 33H Remote Transponder for S-76C
22-Jun-15 Garmin Expands Chart Coverage within Canada
16-Jun-15 Airbus Pro Line Fusion Cockpit Upgrade Paris Air Show 2015
15-Jun-15 L-3 TACAN+ Selected for HAL LUH Paris Air Show 2015
11-Jun-15 Elbit Systems Introduces BrightNite Paris Air Show 2015
11-Jun-15 Honeywell Enhance Navigation Capabilities of AW101
10-Jun-15 Eagle Copters Digital Audio System For H145
02-Jun-15 Aero Dynamix 200th AS350 NVG cockpit
02-Jun-15 CHC Norway S-92 First With SBAS-FMS
19-May-15 Universal Avionics ADS-B Out and Link 2000+
11-May-15 NEMSPA unveils Enroute Decision Point Protocol
06-May-15 IRIS Safety Tool for Oil and Gas Helicopter Operators
27-Apr-15 HeliSAS Gets FAA STC Approval for EC130T2
03-Mar-15 HeliAir / ASU Gets EC135 EASA STC Heli-Expo 2015
03-Mar-15 Esterline CMC Electronics Avionics for X4/H160 Heli-Expo 2015
02-Mar-15 Lockheed Martin Focus On Improving Pilot Vision Heli-Expo 2015
01-Mar-15 Aspen Glass Cockpits for MD 369/530F/530FF/520N Heli-Expo 2015
26-Feb-15 Pro Line Fusion Avionics for Commercial Helicopters
26-Feb-15 Garmin Introduces Helicopter-Specific ADS-B Solutions
25-Feb-15 Mid-Continent MD302 Standby Attitude Module (SAM)
25-Feb-15 Becker Radios for California Highway Patrol AS350B3
12-Feb-15 First Installation of GRA55/GI205 by Kings Avionics
05-Feb-15 Puerto Rico Police Bell 429 with Becker Avionics
26-Jan-15 Aero Dynamix Night Vision System for Bell 412EP
16-Jan-15 Robinson R66 with Garmin G500H and Autopilot
13-Jan-15 Guidance Aviation Fleet with G500H Glass Panel
23-Dec-14 Gulf Coast Avionics Panama Bell 412EP Upgrade
14-Oct-14 MD902 Explorer Next Generation Flight Deck Program Helitech 2014
22-Sep-14 Becker Digital Audio System for HALO-Flight Bell 429
12-Aug-14 North Flight Data Systems now in Canadian EC135s
28-Jul-14 Enstrom 480B certified with Garmin G1000H
16-Jul-14 New Bell 407GX Autopilot
11-Jul-14 Kings Avionics panel for MD520N
24-Jun-14 Bell to Distribute North Flight Data Systems
20-May-14 FMC-4000 Mission Computer Series
25-Feb-14 Honeywell Navigation System for EC145T2 Heli-Expo 2014
24-Feb-14 New Display Cursor Control for MD Explorer Heli-Expo 2014
20-Feb-14 PA100 PUREair First Flight on AS350
13-Feb-14 DART 5th generation AS350 332lb utility basket
07-Feb-14 Robinson Introduces Glass Avionics
01-Feb-14 Seaspray 5000E
30-Jan-14 Becker audio system for Air Zermatt Bell 429
24-Sep-13 Bell SLS to be equip with Garmin G1000H
24-Sep-13 Mission Planning System for Tiger and NH90
01-Sep-13 HIDAS-15
23-Jun-13 JMSDF TH-135 with Becker DVCS6100 radios
17-Apr-13 Sandel Avionics available for the EC135
07-Mar-13 Helionix, the Future of Avionics by Eurocopter
05-Mar-13 Garmin G1000H for the Enstrom 480B
19-Feb-13 Cobham Avionics for the S-61T
21-Dec-12 Kitchener Aero STC Garmin G-500H in Eurocopter EC120
26-Jan-12 Becker DVCS6100 intercom included in UH-72A MEP
16-Jan-12 DRS IAHHS for USAF Pave Hawks
18-Dec-11 Fully Integrated Thales Cockpit for Sikorsky S-76D
10-Feb-11 DVCS6100 audio systems for new Mercy Flight Bk117 and Bell 429
29-Mar-01 Harris to provide cockpit for italian EH.101

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