OperatorsNewsCoronavirusCountryOrganisation Australia Australia Air Ambulances Air Ambulance Victoria CareFlight New South Wales LifeFlight - RACQ Life Flight Queensland MAC Rescue Helicopter Northern Region SLSA Helicopter Rescue Service NSW Ambulance Queensland Government Air RAC Rescue RACQ Capricorn Rescue RACQ CQ Rescue RFDSWO Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia SA Ambulance Service Surf Life Saving Queensland Telstra Child Flight Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Service Toll Group Toll Air Ambulance Austria Air Rescue Austria (ARA) Flugrettung RK 1 - Flight Rescue RK 1 Flugrettung RK 2 - Flight Rescue RK 2 ÖAMTC Christophorus 1 Christophorus 10 Christophorus 11 Christophorus 12 Christophorus 14 Christophorus 15 Christophorus 16 Christophorus 17 Christophorus 2 Christophorus 3 Christophorus 4 Christophorus 5 Christophorus 6 Christophorus 7 Christophorus 8 Christophorus 9 Christophorus Europa 3 Christophorus ITH FlyMed Austria Belgium MUG-Heli (IMDH) Brazil Air Jet Taxi Aéreo Canada Canadian Ambulance Services Airmedic BC Air Rescue BC Ambulance EHS LifeFlight Manitoba Lifeflight Ornge STARS Air Ambulance - Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society China Shanghai Zenisun Investment Group HEMS 999 Denmark Nordic Air Ambulance A/S Fiji EHS Rescue Fiji Finland SHT (SHT) France Mont Blanc Helicopteres (MBH) MBH SAMU SAMU (SAMU) SAMU 02 SAMU 06 SAMU 11 SAMU 13 SAMU 28 SAMU 30 (HdF) SAMU 31 SAMU 35 SAMU 38 SAMU 42 SAMU 44 SAMU 45 SAMU 51 SAMU 59 SAMU 61 SAMU 63 SAMU 69 (SAF) SAMU 71 SAMU 72 SAMU 73 SAMU 86 SAMU 94 Germany ADAC Luftrettung (ADAC) ADAC Training Academy - ADAC Luftfahrt Technik GmbH Christoph 1 (ADAC) Christoph 10 (ADAC) Christoph 11 (ADAC) Christoph 112 (ADAC) Christoph 15 (ADAC) Christoph 16 (ADAC) Christoph 18 (ADAC) Christoph 19 (ADAC) Christoph 20 (ADAC) Christoph 22 (ADAC) Christoph 23 (ADAC) Christoph 25 (ADAC) Christoph 26 (ADAC) Christoph 28 (ADAC) Christoph 30 (ADAC) Christoph 31 (ADAC) Christoph 32 (ADAC) Christoph 33 (ADAC) Christoph 39 (ADAC) Christoph 40 (ADAC) Christoph 46 (ADAC) Christoph 48 (ADAC) Christoph 5 (ADAC) Christoph 6 (ADAC) Christoph 61 (ADAC) Christoph 63 (ADAC) Christoph 65 (ADAC) Christoph 66 (ADAC) Christoph 70 (ADAC) Christoph 77 (ADAC) Christoph 8 (ADAC) Christoph Brandenburg (ADAC) Christoph Europa 1 (ADAC) Christoph Europa 2 (ADAC) Christoph Hansa (ADAC) Christoph Murnau (ADAC) Christoph Rheinland (ADAC) Christoph Westfalen (ADAC) DRF Luftrettung (DRF) Air Ambulance 02 (DRF) AMB 01 - Offshore Husum Christoph 11 (DRF) Christoph 111 (DRF) Christoph 114 (DRF) Christoph 115 (DRF) Christoph 18 (DRF) Christoph 24 (DRF) Christoph 27 (DRF) Christoph 36 (DRF) Christoph 37 (DRF) Christoph 38 (DRF) Christoph 41 (DRF) Christoph 42 (DRF) Christoph 43 (DRF) Christoph 44 (DRF) Christoph 45 (DRF) Christoph 46 (DRF) Christoph 47 (DRF) Christoph 49 (DRF) Christoph 51 (DRF) Christoph 53 (DRF) Christoph 54 (DRF) Christoph 60 (DRF) Christoph 62 (DRF) Christoph 64 (DRF) Christoph 80 (DRF) Christoph Berlin Christoph Dortmund (DRF) Christoph Europa 5 (DRF) Christoph Halle (DRF) Christoph München (DRF) - Christoph Munich Christoph Nürnberg (DRF) Christoph Niedersachsen (DRF) Christoph Regensburg (DRF) Christoph Weser DRF/Falck Denmark Flymed GmbHGerman Air AmbulancesHDM Flugservice Christoph München (HDM) - Christoph Munich (HDM) Christoph Nürnberg (HDM) - Christoph Nurnberg ITH Nürnberg (HDM) - ITH Nurnberg (HDM) Heli-Flight GmbH Johanniter Luftrettung HSD Luftrettung Christoph Dortmund (HSD) Christoph Niedersachsen (HSD) Christoph Sachsen-Anhalt (HSD) International Flug-Ambulanz Christoph 61 (IFA) Christoph Leipzig (IFA) Greece EKAB (EKAV) Polemiki Aeroporia (HAF) SEAB - Medical Emergency Helicopter Unit Hungary OMSZ Légimentő kht India Aviators Pvt Ltd Aviators Air Rescue International International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Iran الهلال الأحمر الإيراني Iraq Al-Burhan Airways Heli Excel International Ireland Irish Community Rapid Response (ICRR) National Ambulance Service Ireland Emergency Aeromedical Service Israel Lahak AviationUnited Hatzalah of Israel (UHI) Italy Avincis Elilario ItaliaElitaliana / Free AirProtezione CivileSoccorso Alpino (CNSAS) Japan Doctor-Heli Liechtenstein AP3 Luftrettung Christoph Liechtenstein Luxembourg Luxembourg Air Rescue LAR Malta VGH Gozo Air Ambulance Moldova Avia San Netherlands ANWB Medical Air Assistance (MAA) education/spare lifeliner 1 lifeliner 2 lifeliner 3 lifeliner 4 lifeliner 5 medic 01 New Zealand New Zealand Rescue Helicopters Auckland Rescue Helicopters Trust Eastland Community Trust Greenlea Rescue Northern Rescue Helicopter Northland Rescue Helicopter - Northland Emergency Services Trust Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust Philips Search and Rescue Trust Taranaki Rescue Helicopter Trust Norway Norsk Luftambulanse (NLA AS) NCCH Norsk Luftambulanse Bergen - Norwegian Air Ambulance Bergen Poland Polish Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe (LPR) Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Bialystok - HEMS Bialystok Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Bydgoszcz - HEMS Bydgoszcz Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Gdansk - HEMS Gdansk Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Gorzów Wielkopolski - HEMS Gorzow Wielkopolski Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Katowice - HEMS Katowice Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Kielce - HEMS Kielce Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Koszalin - HEMS Koszalin Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Kraków - HEMS Krakow Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Lublin - HEMS Lublin Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Olsztyn - HEMS Olsztyn Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Opole - HEMS Opole Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Ostrów Wielkopolski - HEMS Ostrow Wielkopolski Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Poznań - HEMS Poznan Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Płock - HEMS Plock Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Sanok - HEMS Sanok Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Sokołów Podlaski - HEMS Sokolow Podlaski Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Suwałki - HEMS Suwalki Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Szczecin - HEMS Szczecin Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Warszawa - HEMS Warsaw Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Wrocław - HEMS Wroclaw Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Zielona Góra - HEMS Zielona Gora Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe Łódź - HEMS Lodz Portugal Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica (INEM) Saudi Arabia Saudi Ministry of Defense Saudi Aeromedical Evacuation Department Saudi Red Crescent Authority Saudi Air Ambulance South Africa Air Mercy Service (AMS) Henley Air ROCKET EMS - ROCKET Air Ambulance Mercy AirNetcare 911 Spain Administraciones Locales Servicio de Urgencias Canario - Canarian Emergency Service Avincis España Sweden Scandinavian AirAmbulance (SAA) Svensk Luftambulans Switzerland Alpine Air Ambulance (AAA) TCS Ambulance REGA REGA 1 REGA 10 REGA 12 REGA 14 REGA 15 REGA 18 REGA 2 REGA 3 REGA 4 REGA 5 REGA 6 REGA 7 REGA 8 REGA 9 Thailand Bangkok Helicopter Services (BHS) BHS United Kingdom UK Air Ambulances Air Ambulance Northern Ireland Cornwall Air Ambulance Derbyshire Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance Devon Air Ambulance Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance East Anglian Air Ambulance Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Great North Air Ambulance Service Great Western Air Ambulance Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance Kent Air Ambulance Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance Trust Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance London Air Ambulance Magpas Air Ambulance Midlands Air Ambulance North West Air Ambulance Scotland Charity Air Ambulance Scottish Ambulance Service Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance Thames Valley Air Ambulance The Air Ambulance Service The Children’s Air Ambulance Wales Air Ambulance Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance Wiltshire Air Ambulance Yorkshire Air Ambulance USA Air Evac LifeteamAir Medical Group Holdings (AMGH) Air Methods MedFlight Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) CareFliteClassic Air Medical Classic LifeGuard District of Columbia SkyBear Air Transport EagleMedGlobal Medical Response (GMR) Guardian Flight (AMRG) Life Flight Network (LFN) Life Flight Network LifeNet Air IncMed Trans CorpMercy AirOmniflightPHI Inc PHI Air Medical SevenBarState of Alabama Children’s CARE Flight Enterprise Rescue Haynes Ambulance LifeSaver Medstar Air Care RAMS USA SouthFlight State of Alaska LifeMed Alaska State of Arizona AeroCare Medical Transport Air Methods South Central Region Arizona LifeLine Flagstaff Medical Center LifeNet Arizona Native Air Sunrise Air Ambulance State of Arkansas Air Evac Lifeteam Arksansas Arkansas Childrens Hospital Baptist Health MedFlight Pafford EMS State of California Air George CALSTAR Enloe FlightCare REACH Air Medical SkyLife of Central California Stanford Life Flight Sutter Health State of Colorado AirLife Denver CareConnect CareFlight of the Rockies Children’s Hospital Colorado Flight For Life Colorado Memorial Star Mile High Ambulance North Colorado Med Evac UCHealth LifeLine State of Connecticut Hartford Hospital State of Delaware Christiana Care Health System State of Florida Air Life Florida Baptist Health Jacksonville Bayflite Air Medical - Bayfront Health Collier County EMS First Flight Florida Hospital / AdventHealth - Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center Health Care District of Palm Beach County Kids Kare Lee County EMS Miami Children Health System Orlando Health - Air Care Team Orlando Health Tampa General Hospital Trauma Star University of Florida Health State of Georgia AirLife Georgia AU Health AirCare Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta LifeStar Georgia Air Ambulance State of Hawaii Hawaii Life Flight LifeSave KūPono State of Idaho Air Idaho Rescue Air St. Luke’s Portneuf Health State of Illinois Air Med 1 AirLife Carle Lifestar Chicago Mercyhealth REACT OSF Life Flight University Of Chicago Hospitals State of Indiana Indiana University Health Lutheran Air Memorial MedFlight Parkview Hospital St Vincent StatFlight State of Iowa Iowa Methodist LifeFlight MedForce Mercy Air Care MercyOne Air Med UI AirCare State of Kansas Baptist LifeFlight Life Star of Kansas - Topeka Air Ambulance LifeFlight Eagle LifeSave Transport Midwest AeroCare State of Kentucky Air Methods Kentucky UK HealthCare State of Louisiana Acadian Air Med Children's Hospital New Orleans Life Air Rescue Ochsner Flight Care State of Maine DEEMI - Down East Emergency Medicine Institute LifeFlight of Maine State of Maryland Johns Hopkins Lifeline MedSTAR Transport University of Maryland State of Massachusetts Boston MedFlight The North East Air Alliance UMass Memorial Life Flight State of Michigan Aero Med Spectrum Health DMC Children’s Hospital of Michigan Henry Ford Hospital LifeFlight of Michigan Midwest Medflight North Flight Aero Med St. Mary's FlightCare Superior Air Ambulance University of Michigan West Michigan Air Care State of Minnesota HealthPartners Mayo One North Memorial Health State of Mississippi Mississippi Air Rescue North Mississippi Medical Center University of Mississippi Medical Center State of Missouri ARCH Air Medical Service Children Mercy Hospital Kansas City Cox Air Care Mercy Life Line MU Health Care SSM Health St. Louis Children’s Hospital State of Montana A.L.E.R.T. - Advanced Life-support Emergency Rescue Team Benefis Mercy Flight Billings Clinic St Vincent Healthcare Two Bear Air Rescue State of Nebraska Air Link at Regional West Good Samaritan AirCare LifeNet of the Heartland Midwest MedAir Tri City LifeNet State of Nevada MedX AirOne REMSA Care Flight State of New Hampshire Dartmouth-Hitchcock Advanced Response Team State of New Jersey Cooper University Health Care Hackensack UMC JEMSTAR MONOC One State of New Mexico AirCare Gallup MedFlight University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center State of New York LifeNet of New York Mercy Flight Central Mercy Flight Western New York SkyHealth State of North Carolina AirLife North Carolina Dare MedFlight Duke Life Flight ECU Health EastCare Lifelink Air - Cape Fear Valley Health MedCenter Air - Carolinas HealthCare System Mountain Area Medical Airlift NHRMC AirLink Novant Health UNC Carolina Air Care Wake Forest Baptist Health State of North Dakota Trinity Health State of Ohio Akron Children's Hospital Case Western Reserve University Christ LifeFlight Cleveland Clinic MedFlight of Ohio Mercy Health Metro Life Flight Miami Valley Hospital Nationwide Children Hospital ProMedica Air and Mobile UC Health Air Care UH AirMed - University Hospitals UH AirMed State of Oklahoma First Flight McAlester AirCare Medi Flight Tulsa Life Flight State of Oregon AirLink CCT Cal-Ore Life Flight Mercy Flights PANDA Transport - OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital State of Pennsylvania Allegheny Health Network LifeFlight Commonwealth Health Emergency Medical Services Geisinger Health Guthrie Air Sayre JeffSTAT Keystone Med-Flight Lehigh Valley Health Network Life Lion MidAtlantic MedEvac PennSTAR STAT MedEvac Temple Health WellSpan Health State of South Carolina AnMed LifeFlight C.A.R.E. Flight Greenville Health System MedTrans McLeod Health MUSC Health Prisma Health Regional One SC Air Care State of South Dakota Avera Careflight Black Hills Life Flight MARC - Medical Air Rescue Minuteman EMS Oglala Lakota Air Rescue Sanford AirMed State of Tennessee Erlanger Health System - Life Force Hospital Wing TriStar SkyLife UT LifeStar Vanderbilt LifeFlight WellmontOne Air Transport Wings Air Rescue State of Texas AeroCare Air Care Woman's Hospital of Texas Air Med 12 AirLift Texas Citizens Medical Center Cook Children's Medical Center Covenant Health Texas and New Mexico ETMC Fire Star HALO-Flight Inc HCA Houston Healthcare AIRLife Medical City Healthcare Memorial Hermann Life Flight Methodist Air Care - Methodist AirCare Mother Frances Hospital NWTX Lifestar Rico Aviation San Antonio AirLIFE Shannon AirMed 1 South Texas Emergency Care Southwest Life Flight Stat Air Texas Travis County Emergency Services University Health SkyCare UT Health East Texas Washington County EMS State of Utah AirLife Utah Intermountain Life Flight University of Utah State of Vermont University of Vermont State of Virginia AirCare 1 Medevac Manassas AirCare 2 Medevac Fredericksburg AirCare 3 Medevac Leesburg AirCare 4 Medevac Front Royal AirCare 5 Medevac Shenandoah Valley AirCare Medevac AirLife Virginia Carilion Clinic LifeEvac Virginia Sentara Healthcare University of Virginia Health System State of Washington Northwest MedStar Snohomish County Helicopter Rescue Team State of West Virginia HealthNet Aeromedical Services State of Wisconsin Aspirus Health MedLink Air Ministry Health Care ThedaCare UW Health Med Flight State of Wyoming Teton County Search and Rescue Summit Air AmbulanceSurvival FlightTriState CareFlight